CTK St Mary's Prospectus 2024-25

A sixth form centre for excellence 27 After completing your advanced diploma, you can progress on to degrees in social work, paramedic science, occupational therapy, police, probation services, midwifery, youth and community work and all fields of nursing. This course can also provide access to relevant apprenticeships in care. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BTEC TECHNICAL ADVANCED DIPLOMA (Equivalent to 3 A Levels) CONTENT This course will provide you with an excellent opportunity to develop a good knowledge base and practical care skills for professions within health and social care. This Advanced Diploma empowers you to grow in confidence, improve your organisational skills and mature intellectually. You will study topics such as human lifespan development, working in health and social care, anatomy and physiology, enquiries into current research in health and social care, meeting individual care and support needs, promoting public health and principles of safe practice in health and social care. You will also complete work experience in health and social care. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Please see the general entry requirements for CTK St Mary’s on page 10. If you do not meet these entry requirements, please see page 30 for other courses which may be of interest to you. ASSESSMENT The course is equivalent to three A Levels. It is assessed by coursework and external examinations. Do you have a mission to improve and save lives? Health careers include nursing, health care, paramedic, occupational health, speech and language therapy, counselling, physiotherapy and more. Other career options involve solving issues we face as a society – through becoming a youth worker, a social worker or a counsellor. You could also go on to teach this subject in a college or university. HEALTH AND SCIENCE T LEVEL (Equivalent to 3 A Levels) CONTENT This exciting new 2-year qualification will give you the experience and skills to be successful supporting health care in nursing or midwifery. The course is focused towards training you to work in the health sector in a front-line role, supporting midwives or adult nurses. There are a number of additional career options available to you when you progress from this course on to degree apprenticeships or full-time university study. After gaining a relevant degree, careers could include speech and language therapy, occupational health, or becoming a qualified midwife, paramedic or nurse. You will learn in our state-of-the-art health facilities, which includes a careful recreation of a working hospital ward. The T Level in Health will mix learning at CTK St Mary’s with work placements over a 45-day period. You will bring your work placement skills and experience back to your CTK teaching sessions, and you will be able to apply your academic learning while on your work placements. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Please see the general entry requirements for CTK St Mary’s on page 10. “My time at CTK St Mary’s has been rewarding and enjoyable. I have enjoyed making new friends and working together so we all achieve higher grades. I am thankful for my teachers because they have inspired me to reach my full potential and achieve above my target grades. Completing work experience in a nursery has helped me towards my goal of studying a Degree in Child Nursing at University of Greenwich.” Kate – Achieved D*DD (equivalent to A*AA at A Level) in BTEC Health & Social Care