CTK St Mary's Prospectus 2024-25

A sixth form centre for excellence 11 Our Chaplaincy “Our Chaplaincy is the heart of our Sixth Form. It’s a place where all students can meet and form new friendships. I enjoy coming to this space due to its calm atmosphere and there is always staff to talk to.” The Chaplaincy team, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, are there to accompany you in times of joy or difficulty by providing a listening ear, and to help you develop spiritually. The spacious and comfortable Chaplaincy is a hub for social activity, open to all students from all faiths and none – you can drop in and relax, meet friends or take part in activities. The beautiful adjoining chapel is a place for prayer and worship. You can visit the Chapel as a quiet place for some peace and space for reflection. Chapel CTK St Mary’s has a Chaplaincy team on hand to support you in your day-to-day life and your journey of faith, whatever your faith may be. services include a weekly Mass and on Holy Days throughout the year. The Chaplaincy team meets regularly with 10:10 student Chaplaincy representatives to discuss issues, plan events, and contribute to Liturgies. You can sign up to be Chaplaincy representatives – a great role to help you grow in confidence, develop leadership skills and to make a difference. You will receive support and training, as well as experiencing retreat opportunities. “I have felt well supported in terms of opportunities and outlets for prayer and reflection.”