Graphic Communications
A Level
Graphic Communication is an engaging course that leads to careers in fine art, graphic design, motion graphics, fashion, advertising and product design. Art and Design courses are also useful if you are considering a career in such fields as architecture, marketing, publicity, arts administration, animation and the media. Graphic Communication will be of advantage to you if you wish to progress onto a foundation diploma in Art and Design.
Your A Level in Graphic Communication will encourage you to develop a personalised visual language that has clarity, originality and a high level of technical control in order to communicate a message or relay information.
You will explore drawing through digital and traditional methods and will experiment with a wide range of tools, materials and techniques. You will also learn how to use sketchbooks to explore your own creative process by experimenting with imagery and manipulating meanings.
The course will provide you with the opportunity to explore a variety of graphic visual communication methods including illustration, typography and poster and packaging design. As part of the personal investigation component of the A Level, you will be required to produce a minimum 1000 word critical study. At the end of the course, your work will be displayed at the annual art exhibition, which celebrates the creativity of our learners.
- Minimum five GCSEs at grade 9-5
- English and Maths at minimum grade 5
You will be required to produce a portfolio of coursework and separate controlled assignments.
Chislehurst Road
London DA14 6BE